few weeks back, ayah asked me details about my passport and international stuffs. (like bila expiry date, no passport, what to do bila nak keluar negara, stuffs like that). i didn't think too much, just ingatkan, "oh ya, probably dia just nak isi those details kat form mana mana, nothing much nak bother pun kan." but when he kept mentioning about the expiry date, asking me to confirm again and again (in case anak dia ni, well..), dah mula syak wasangka something.
so i decided.. "I could have asked ibu about this, maybe she knows!" and yeah i did. so, tahap surprise tinggal 50 percent bila dapat tahu, we're going to Thailand!
alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah, sesungguhnya aturan Allah itu cantik kan. sungguh, i didn't expect this vacation to be just like what i've been dreaming for - the beach (i've been longing for this lama dah!), the scenery, the quality time i had with loves, the good food (I ate a lot - seafood, banana split tak split, the tomyums; like seriously!), everything - just right timing, right places. no exact word shall describe the whole processes, it's just.. Masha Allah!
muzium, as expected kannn. hewhew
the sukaneka.
the seafood and banana split. murah oiii seafood sini, should try one!
makhluk ini sedang memikirkan masa depannya.. yang tak pasti. ahem.
candid, ce cari mana qistinaaa
tut tuttt, awesome baq hang!
this is how the pekan hat yai looks like. macam pekan rabu je weh!
the photos are just few, as compared to what i had experienced. :)
i learned a lot too, just to say that trying out different views of different people has taught me to be more considerate of others. mungkin masih belajar, but throughout this short vacation has bring something new in me - jangan expect orang untuk faham kita saja, kita yang kena faham orang dulu! this satun trip was actually anjuran kelab keluarga sekolah ayah, ramai gak ah pegi. konvoi dalam 15 kereta camtu, semua orang ade pe'el masing masing. siap ada sukaneka lagi, dan serius awesome baq hang! cikgu cikgu baya mak ayah kita sporting habis :)
Thai's culture - not so much different with ours. (except mat rempit dia sopan santun, tak rempit sangat ahhh macam superman kita LOL). they prefer to use their own language, just few yang dapat converse in English and Malay. helmet pun tak wajib pakai, boleh selamba badak je pegi town tak pakai. the most vehicle used kat sana - trak pikap cam Hilux tu. the people; quite friendly, mungkin few yang rude kat jalan, aksi potong memotong macam race tu ade je macam kat highway plus tu haa). for Muslim food and tempat semayang, iA mudah je nak cari kat this area, since most of them Muslims. this experience really makes me wonder; ini baru satu negara pergi dah discover a lot of new things, what about berapa ratus lagi negara? Allah dah cipta manusia ni berbangsa bangsa, bersuku kaum supaya kita boleh saling kenal. (Al Hujurat: 13) so whatcha been waiting for? go get your stuffs packed, plan your trip to anywhere you like, and explore! as if macam trip tu guna dua ringgit je kan, as if. make sure mampu, sesuai dan berbaloi jugak, okay?
rasa macam ejen travelling companies pulak. enough, enough Qistina. cikgu pelatih ini harus mulakan kerja sekolah bertimbun timbun, kerana masa cuti beliau hanya berbaki empat hari. hmmmmm
typical question; "ni form berapa nih? laaa, dah uni ka, awat muka budak budak sangat nih?" dah biasa dah, dah biasa sangat dah permainan lagu ni. -_-
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